Sunday, March 15, 2015

Girl in a Country Song

Ever since I heard the new song "Girl in a Country Song" I have been more than a little annoyed with the radio. Those girls got it right when they wrote about how wrong it is to portray women as sexual objects in country songs. A lot of songs, not all, talk about women and how they shake their money-makers and how their legs look in booty shorts and how it doesn't matter if you're committed, you can have a one-night stand and forget the whole thing tomorrow. WhAt??!! Who decided that any of that was ok to sing about on the radio? Actually, who decided that any of that was okay at all? Sorry for ranting a little bit, but I just have some strong feelings about objectification of women and I'm mad at all of the male country song-writers right now. And I'm also upset that most people think the only kinds of songs that objectify women are rap songs. Not true. Country songs are pretty bad about it too. Maybe some things will change now that those girls were brave enough to write a song about the truth.


  1. I completely agree! I had the same thoughts when I first heard this song - I started thinking about all of the other country songs that are hot on the radio, and couldn't believe I hadn't noticed before how objectifying and ridiculous some of the lyrics were. I thought these girls did a perfect job of pointing it out.

  2. I heard this song too and I couldn't believe it. It's crazy how some of the lyrics can just pass us by but it can make us realize a lot of other issues that seem to arise throughout social media and media in general today.
