Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Feel-Good Movies

I'm one of those people who loves "feel good" movies. I don't know why, but I like being happy while I watch movies...crazy, I know. Yesterday my husband and I watched The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

It just makes me happy because the music is calming and the scenery is gorgeous and the story line is genius! He travels to some beautiful places and it makes me feel like I can go accomplish anything. Walter doesn't think he's anybody at the beginning of the movie; I've felt like that before...sometimes I still feel like that. But he just goes looking for what he needs and he finds that he really is a great person, just the way he is. He likes himself and he is proud of himself. He also realizes that he can be himself and people will like him, like when he shares his skateboarding talent with Cheryl's son. Sure he's a little awkward while talking to the girl he likes, but so are you! We all get awkward when we don't know what to say, but that's ok.

We aren't meant to be perfect. I believe that very strongly. We would have no reason to use the Atonement if we weren't inadequate. But we ARE amazing. We just have to realize who we are: we are God's children with great potential. 


  1. Um, this is one of my favorite movies ever. Especially since it is a movie about travel and finding yourself that is not about abandoning family and loved ones (like Eat Pray Love) which I think is a trend lately. And I just really love movies about travel. Thanks for sharing:)

  2. My wife and I watched this when it first came out on Redbox. There are many great parts that contain amazing life lessons. Walter's new boss kept picking on him because he didn't fit the mold and would always daydream in public. It got progressively worse, feeding the negative perception in Walter's mind. What do you do when the people around you tell you that you are not good enough or not needed? Change your perspective. The movie's adventure was a step by step journey that led to Walter seeing himself in a complete perspective instead of through the lens of the changing company that has been his life. The last part when he comes back and confronts his boss...that part that helped complete the loop that I won't give details to people who should see the movie, was awesome. Sometimes those who assert dominion over others really have no clue.

  3. ^^^Robyn, exactly. It bothers me when movies convey that you have to abandon all normal life to find yourself/find love/find happiness. Obviously, not all movies are about normal life, but I love that in this movie, it is the ordinary that is extraordinary. I love feel good movies, too, and this is a good one that helps us find the beauty around us.
